Associate Professor of Computer Science @ Université Lumière Lyon 2

About Me


I’m part (and was the head for the year 2022) of the Data Mining & Decision Group at the ERIC Lab. My research interests lie in the development of machine learning and data mining techniques for the analysis and modeling of text, with the aim of solving real-world problems related to language.
Check out my work on document network embedding and social media mining or my work in sociolinguistics.


I teach courses in statistics and computer science, both at the undergraduate level (BUT - Statistique et Informatique Décisionnelle @ UL2) and the graduate level (Master - ML for AI @ UL2, Master - MIASHS @ UL2, DU - Data Science @ U-Paris, Master SDM @ ENS Lyon).

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Université Lumière Lyon 2 - Campus Porte des Alpes
Laboratoire ERIC
Room K198